New York Travel Guide Project
for AGP Digital Publishing Course
Intro Assignment:
Start a reflective practice learning journal in Adobe Spark Page.
Create a short video on your phone (or whatever is easiest for you to create video) to share with the wider community following this formula:
What is your name? My name is…..
Where are you from? I am from ….
What are you hoping to get from this course? I hope to learn about...
Assignment 1: Create three or more images using camera RAW in Photoshop that will be used for a slideshare/slideshow advertising the best of the city/region/area/community. The images will become part of a slideshow later in the course.
Assignment 2: Create four “City Guide” icons in Adobe Illustrator. Export as png files. These icons could be based on themes like “Transportation”, “Recreation”, “Fun” and “Food”. Feel free to select your own categories and consider how they will fit into your final interactive “City Guide”.